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1st ILMA Workshop 2018

Frontiers of Macroeconomic Research

was held in Moscow at National Research University Higher School of Economics from October 19 to October 20, 2018

Frontiers of Macroeconomic Research general program

Conference papers:

Crisis and Contagion in Financial Networks: a Dynamic Approach / D. Bouche, H. Kempf and A. Lionnet

Inequality in the Capital and Land Distribution and Growth Take-offs / D. Veselov, A. Yarkin

Uncertainty Shocks and Firm Creation: Search and Monitoring in the Credit Marke / T. Brand, M. Isoré and F. Tripier 

Financial Repression and Public Finance in a Calibrated General Equilibrium Model / K. Isakov, S. Pekarski

Monetary Regime Choice and Optimal Credit Rationing at the Official Rate: the Case of Russia / A. Shulgin

International Debt Overhang and Monetary Policy: A Simulation Exercise Using Czech Republic Data / C. Goodhart, K. Isakov, U. Peiris and D. Tsomocos

The Value of Information in Segmented Economies / O. Kuznetsova

The Role of Uncertain Government Preferences for Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interaction / O. Kuznetsova, S. Merzlyakov 

Pension System and Fiscal Policy in an Economy with Heterogeneous Agents / M. Mamedli 

Oil Market Shocks Effects on Russian Macroeconomic Indicators: Quantitative Estimates With Sign-Identified SBVAR / O. Malakhovskaya 

The Consequential Implications of Endogenous Schumpeterian Growth for Business Cycles / A. Mahroug, A. Paquet 

MPC Heterogeneity in Europe: Sources and Policy Implications / M. Ampudia, R. Cooper, J. Le Blanc and G. Zhu 

Israel’s Immigration Story: Winners and Losers / A. Razin


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