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Научный семинар Международной лаборатории макроэкономического анализа: Никита Павлов «Macroeconomic Populism in the Context of Voters’ Bounded Rationality»

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В четверг 08 апреля в 16:00 состоится научный семинар Международной лаборатории макроэкономического анализа НИУ ВШЭ.

В рамках семинара  Никита Павлов (аспирант НИУ ВШЭ)  представит доклад «Macroeconomic Populism in the Context of Voters’ Bounded Rationality»


Macroeconomic populism is one of the most relevant problems of modern economic science, since currently the whole western world suffers from the populist backlash. However, voters’ bounded rationality in terms of macroeconomic consequences of populist policies, which may be considered as one of the most vivid objects of populists’ speculation, have been for the most part neglected in the existing literature on topic. Current work addresses this issue by building a simple political model of macroeconomic populism policy which allows for electorate’s bounded rationality. Proposed approach to macroeconomic populism has provided some useful insights: first, it explores the extent of harm caused by the presence of a populist party and, second, demonstrates the reasons for a one-sided convergence of the non-populist platforms towards populist ones, which previously was discovered in empirical literature. 

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