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Научный семинар Международной лаборатории макроэкономического анализа: Смирнов А.Д.- Does the Global Debt Dynamic Gravitate to an Invariant?

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Прглашаем Вас принять участие в Научном семинаре, который пройдет 22 ноября (четверг) в 16.40, по адресу: Шаболовка, 26, стр.1,ауд. 1302.
Докладчик: Смирнов Александр Дмитриевич
Тема доклада: Does the Global Debt Dynamic Gravitate to an Invariant?
Рабочий язык: русский, английский

Current debt markets are bloated and unsustainable, yet, a positive alternative could be found. In the submitted report “Does the global leverage dynamic gravitate to an invariant?” the debt dynamics, intertwined with capital, was modeled as a stochastic dynamical system with appropriate stationary distribution. In particular, variance and mode of the gamma distribution might govern the leverage gravitation towards its anchor value in the long run similar to a gradual compression of fungible liabilities in dozens of trillion dollars.

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